Vote for my M&M pwese!

Dear all,

It has been long since I last join any coloring contest! (Coloring are for kids>.<) But! I am now breaking the record and I am joining this M&M Coloring Contest to win... erm herm.. grand prize! I want to win the prizes for my mammy who is a M&M collector! (Muahaha sounded like an art collector) Vote fer me=)~~Please! =D Click Here

Thank you!

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My Masterpiece(s):
(Got concept one, I can explain=)

Title: Dreamy
Concept: Black Black Black . Black is the new Colorful.

Title: Painter
Concept: A reminiscence of my school life back in the black building, so, yeah! BLACK again!

Btw, my painter name is CA.

Thank You ~~~~~!

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